SUPERART.TV 9497 – retrospektiv


In 1996, Eric Carstensen and Michael Volkmer founded the artist duo “” on the occasion of a joint exhibition. On the occasion of 9,497 days of “”, the two artists look back at the past years and works created in the Rudolf-Scharpf-Gallery of the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum.
With, the name says it all. Many of the works created are video works that convince with a restrained, documentary view. By juxtaposition and context shifts, the works achieve a timeless topicality, as becomes clear in retrospect. For example, the work “Jessikartoffel” [Jessi Potato], created in 1998/1999, is a video collage of the French region of Burgundy, where the two artists had a scholarship, composed of images of people and landscapes. More conceptually reduced and thus also more universal is “Lutopia” from 2002, in which they asked 150 people from Ludwigshafen for a statement on the term “utopia”. The portrait of the time presents many personal wishes and visions but also comments on Ludwigshafen. The work is presented in the Lukaskirche, Kurfürstenstraße 46, in Ludwigshafen. 
The artistic approach was also the starting point of the photo project “Mannheim sagt” [Mannheim Says] in which they photographed citizens of Mannheim in 2007 and projected them, together with statements of the citizens, on the MVV high-rise building during the Long Night of Museums.

Eric Carstensen’s and Michael Volkmer’s engagement with film, television, and art becomes clear, for example, in the work “Paar” [Couple] (2004), in which they reenact film scenes with male duos. With “Krankenhausreif: Klinikum Lu-Mitte – Die Soap zur Kunst” [Ready for Hospital: Lu-Mitte Clinic - the Soap on Art] they even produced a trashy combination of soap, B-movie, art film, and docu-fiction with 19 episodes in 2002, which did not only find friends at that time. 
In the exhibition in the Rudolf-Scharpf-Gallery, they present the works in newly created spatial installations, which both contextualize and ironize the works. With their works, repeatedly succeeds in ironically reflecting our present through clearly chosen and set reproductions of realities without losing topicality, even years later.

Eric Carstensen (born 1968 in Hennebont/Brittany) and Michael Volkmer (born 1966 in Ludwigshafen) are regularly represented in exhibitions in the region as individual artists or together. Among other things, Volkmer is the recipient of the Große Welde Art Prize of the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region 2010: Carstensen received the Art Prize of the City of Mannheim in the field of photography in 2001.
In addition to works by, the exhibition also shows works by companions and friends of the artists such as Helen Acosta Iglesias, Götz Diergarten, Divine Enfant, Andrea Esswein, Sibylle Feucht, Myriam Holme, Ruth Hutter, Bertrand Kelle, Veronika Olma, Sebastian Rogler, Walter Schembs, Bollanski,Konstantin Voit, Stefanie Buffy Werner, Andreas Zidek und anderen.